Electric car tires: Are manufacturers misleading you about their supposed benefits? Find out the shocking truth!

Discover the shocking truth about the supposed benefits of electric car tires. Are manufacturers cheating you? Dive into this article to demystify this hot topic!

The hidden reality behind the benefits of electric car tires

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The automotive industry is undergoing a transformation with the rise of electric cars. Tire manufacturers are seeking to meet the new requirements, but the promises made around these tires raise questions. Are manufacturers misleading you about the benefits of electric car tires? Find out the shocking truth in this article!

More robust tires, but impaired performance

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Electric cars must be equipped with more robust tires to support their extra weight and maximize their energy efficiency. However, these specific tires have a higher cost and need to be replaced more frequently. A study showed that electric car tires lose on average 10,000 kilometers of lifespan compared to thermal cars.

It is legitimate to wonder if this problem was not created from scratch by the industry to sell more expensive tires. Manufacturers rarely acknowledge this reality, but motorists pay the price for new components and manufacturing processes, as well as the special sizes often required for electric car tires.

Tires adapted to reduce rolling noise

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In addition to the question of the range and weight of electric cars, tire manufacturers have also looked into reducing rolling noise. Specific tires for electric cars have been designed with the aim of reducing the noise perceived in the passenger compartment of the cars, which have become quieter with the absence of a thermal engine. Manufacturers such as Michelin, Pirelli, Hankook and Bridgestone have all seen the benefit of adapting their products, despite a market of only 12 million electric car tires in Europe in 2021, out of a total of 450 million.

Two different approaches from electric car tire manufacturers

Tire manufacturers have taken two different approaches in developing tires for electric cars. Some offer a specific range independent of their classic range, while others prefer to offer tires optimized for electric and thermal cars. This difference in strategy can be explained by different levels of technology and innovation. Some manufacturers believe that a single range of tires can meet the needs of electric and combustion cars, while others consider that electric cars require tires specifically designed for their particular driving characteristics.

Real benefits, but limited

Tires for electric cars have some undeniable advantages, such as optimizing range, reducing rolling noise and being able to support the extra weight of electric cars. However, it is important to note that there are no specific tires for electric cars. Customers can choose tires based on their handling, performance or weather preferences.

Tire manufacturers have an interest in offering high-quality tires for electric cars because they can build customer loyalty and encourage them to choose the same brand when they need to replace their tires. However, tire choices are often limited by the specific dimensions of each electric car model. Therefore, manufacturers do not need to promote more expensive tires specifically designed for electric cars, because dimensional constraints already work in their favor.

The truth about the benefits of electric car tires

In conclusion, electric car tire manufacturers offer innovations and technologies adapted to the specific needs of these vehicles. However, it is important to understand that these advantages are not exclusively reserved for electric cars. Optimizing range, reducing rolling noise and rolling resistance are important criteria for all kinds of vehicles, electric or not.

Customers must choose their tires based on the specific dimensions of their car, and manufacturers still have progress to make to achieve environmental goals such as carbon neutrality and the use of sustainable materials in tire manufacturing. Ultimately, it is essential to analyze tire manufacturers’ promises critically and consider all factors before making an informed choice for your electric car tires.

Source: www.01net.com

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